Want to come speed dating but a little nervous of what to expect? The Love Speed Dating Mistletoe, Mix & Mingle Singles Party is the perfect option for you!
On entry to the party you will receive a badge with your name and a number on. This is to allow others at the party to know you are single, ready to mingle and to introduce yourself. Chat to others at the party whilst enjoying some amazing cocktails from the Be At One extensive menu and have fun meeting and chatting to other single people.
You are welcome to exchange numbers if you both feel comfortable, however you will also receive a date card. Use this to make notes of the names and numbers of the ladies/gents you speak to and Love Speed Dating will send your matches to you the next day.
There's no pressure on the night, feel free to mix and mingle as much as you like -hovering under the mistletoe is optional! A hostess will be on hand for the length of the evening to introduce people to each other and ensure the party goes with a swing. Free Santa Hats on entry to the party, dress to impress.
